Katie Lobach
June 2021
Labor and Delivery/HROB
Sanford USD Medical Center
Sioux Falls
United States




Katie was there in every way I needed her to be.
Katie came on shift last March (night shift) after I had been induced that morning. I had already had complications due to our baby’s heartbeat going through decelerations. The second Katie came into the room, she made me feel so confident about her knowledge and the plan of care. She was in my room so much of the night and helped me through more decelerations of our baby’s heart rate. There were truly times I didn’t think there I could continue due to everything being emotionally and physically draining; however, Katie was there in every way I needed her to be. I have been a Sanford ER nurse for several years now and thought I knew how to be there for my patients while at the same time providing great patient care…. But after having Katie as my nurse, I know how to even better myself. Katie, thank you so much! I will forever remember you and how you were there for me in so many ways. Your confidence in your skills and kindness to me, made me feel like I could do it….and I finally had a healthy little girl.