Katie Loggins
January 2022
Telemetry Unit
Dominican Hospital
Santa Cruz
United States




I felt so avoided and discarded until it was your shift each night.
Katie - I wanted you to know you single-handedly changed my hospital stay, my sense of peace, and honestly most importantly my life and my outlook of hope while I was there this last time. Some of it was totally nurse heat - like helping me with your note saying "ask the nurse before entering" or whatever it said because it worked. Most of it was your words of comfort and encouragement to work hard to try to find joy in every moment. I've been trying so hard to do that and I have definitely laughed or at least not cried.

The other part that was genuinely life-changing was how physically close you got to me even though I was "quarantined" with the MRSA. I felt so avoided and discarded until it was your shift each night. Even as I write this I am crying, but not the sad and fearful tears - these are truly MOVED tears because you DEFINITELY went above and beyond your job duties with me. When I was wheeled out and we stopped to say goodbye, your words and love hit me hard. You can ask D, I'm not a hugger, but your physical closeness was so comforting. Thank you so so much.

Know that every time I pray I not only thank God for you, but I also pray for your safety in the work you do during this time and all the other times too. Girl, you're amazing and I hope this gets to you at a time when you need to hear it from someone who can genuinely say I am SO blessed. God put you in my path as much as he did.