Katie Trimble
April 2018
Birth Center
Marshfield Medical Center
United States
Our first encounter with Katie was in November 2013 when she was our nurse to deliver our first child. As new parents we were experiencing all the scary and exciting events that come with welcoming a child into the world. Katie was compassionate and knowledgeable and really helped to make our journey to parenthood the most amazing experience. She went above and beyond to meet our needs throughout the labor and delivery process. It was really exciting when in July 2016 we were entering the hospital to give birth to our second child we discovered that Katie was our labor and delivery nurse again. This birth was much faster than the first, and Katie was right there to help in every way possible. She did a great job of coaching both of us through delivery and offering encouragement during every stage of labor. Her calming demeanor helped us stay calm throughout the process. Finally, in 2018 we arrived at the hospital to deliver our 3rd child and, low and behold, Katie was our nurse! We had joked about this happening again, and we were ecstatic that she would be there to help us. Katie actually went above and beyond and stayed quite a bit past her scheduled shift so that she could be there with us. What are the odds that the same nurse would be working and able to help us deliver all 3 of our beautiful children! Katie has become a part of our story as a family and is very special to us when we think back to all these memorable moments. We told her now she has no choice, that if we have any more children she will need to be on stand-by as our private L&D nurse! We felt she exceeded expectations at all times and went above and beyond to make us feel special.