Kelli McGuire
January 2019
Critical ICU
WakeMed Health & Hospitals
United States




Kelli's biggest impact occurred when my sister's condition deteriorated rapidly and comfort measures were in order. My daughter, another sister and her daughter and I were allowed to stay at the bedside until she took her last breath. During this time Kelli kept in close contact with us letting us know everything she was doing, making sure we were okay, and asking us if we needed anything. This time was very difficult but at the same time bittersweet. My sister got exactly what she would have wanted - four of her closest angels by her bedside holding her hand, praying, singing, and letting her know how much she was loved. My sister's death was peaceful with no obvious suffering and Kelli was the one who made that possible. When we expressed our gratitude to Kelli for everything she had done and how thankful/blessed we were that she was on duty that day, her response was "I didn't do anything, I just did my job". A true sign of a nurse who is in the profession for the right reason.
WakeMed advertises "Exceptional People Delivering Exceptional Care" - Kelli should be a poster child. I don't share that I am a nurse when I go into hospitals, but I feel the need to do so with this experience. I have been a nurse for 37 years and have a passion for nursing and set very high standards for myself and others. I am a past recipient of the Great 100 Nurses of NC and am honored to have been recognized. I share this because I know what an outstanding nurse is - Kelli is that nurse. Kelli went above and beyond in taking care of my sister and made a difference that will never be forgotten! Her selfless acts and dedication allowed a patient to get exceptional care, but when God decided to call that patient home, end of life care was implemented and she experienced a death with dignity and her loved ones around her. Love and appreciation to Kelli McGuire and WakeMed.