Kelly Bair
March 2023
Labor & Delivery
Lancaster General Health, Penn Medicine
United States




She was supportive and seemed to know exactly what I needed and wanted.
I am just over 5 months postpartum and reflecting back on my recovery. I had a great recovery after a vaginal birth of a healthy baby girl. My labor was almost 36 hours long. I believe the support I had during the delivery from my nurse Kelly was part of the reason my recovery was so successful and I was able to have a safe vaginal birth for my healthy baby girl.

Kelly came on in the second morning of labor and brought just the energy I needed. She knew we were headed toward a cesarean birth if this baby didn't come shortly. She had me change positions, brush my teeth, cleaned off my cluttered bedside table, got my forgotten shoes out from under the bed in case we needed to go quickly. She had my husband go eat breakfast. Immediately joking with him which was much needed at this point. She sat down and listened to my birth plan and how it had deviated some from the original plan, but I was hopeful the Pitocin would get me quickly dilated and ready to push. She was supportive and seemed to know exactly what I needed and wanted. She gave me the belief that I could still have a successful vaginal delivery.

When the intrauterine device was not giving clear readings she spent time troubleshooting it with the physician instead of jumping to conclusions about my contractions. I felt seen and heard by her and the physician. I felt like she took care of me and the baby through physical assessment and not just relying on technology. She got along well with my doula and helped to change my positions and did techniques to help align the baby's head with the birth canal better. When it was time to push her rapport with the physicians was unmatched. There was some discrepancy between providers about the best way for me to breathe while pushing. When she noticed the way that the OB physician had me breathing was working better for me than the technique the midwife wanted she advocated to continue that. She was very busy monitoring me with the temperature I developed and my baby's heart rate. She was working so hard, I think she was sweating. It worked and I gave birth to a healthy baby girl. I had some blood loss, but little to no tearing. I had an excellent team of a physician, midwife, doula, & husband but Kelly was the leader. She was the "it" factor. I can't think of any else than her I would rather have had to tell me I had a baby girl. (The gender was a surprise).