Kelly J. Luedtke
July 2023
Kelly J.
Mayo Clinic - Rochester
United States




Nurse Kelly immediately went into action instructing me how to push. The first contraction came, and she coached me through 3 pushes. She was incredibly encouraging.
For two years my husband and I struggled with unexplained infertility. After 4 failed IUIs, 2 miscarriages, and 3 IVF transfers, we conceived our son. In February we were admitted to labor and delivery for an induction. Kelly was my overnight nurse and she was fantastic right from the beginning. She supported me through the intense contractions and eventually through my pain management options. At 6 am the next morning I was 9.5 cm dilated. The resident checking me felt something strange and quickly brought in a chief and determined the umbilical cord was wrapped around my baby's neck and prolapsed over the top of his head. She quickly informed me that I couldn't deliver vaginally and would need an emergency C-section. To complicate the situation, the external fetal monitor had lost his heartbeat and they needed to place one internally. The chief resident jumped on the end of my bed while I was rolled to the operating room. Nurse Kelly never left my side. I was in tears begging her to save my baby. When we got to the OR the internal fetal monitor was placed, and Kelly stayed by my side giving me updates on my son's heartbeat. She kept reassuring me it was strong. Every few seconds she would whisper his heart rate in my ear which brought me so much reassurance. The OR was buzzing with people frantically preparing for an emergency C-section. There were now 3 doctors discussing the situation. Kelly again didn't leave my side. She continued to softly speak in my ear and tell me what was happening. The doctor that rode on my bed to the OR was able to move the prolapsed cord to the side below my baby's ear. She held her hand there the entire time to keep the cord from becoming prolapsed again. The attending physician explained that a vaginal delivery may be possible with forceps, but I wouldn't have long to push, and any sign of fetal distress and a C-section would be done. I was numb from the chest down when instructed to push as hard as I could. Nurse Kelly immediately went into action instructing me how to push. The first contraction came, and she coached me through 3 pushes. She was incredibly encouraging. Then my contractions stopped, and they had to administer Pitocin to get them going again. During those few minutes, while everyone was waiting, Kelly continued to tell me the heart rates and coach me on pushing. When the next contraction came, I pushed 3 times and my son was born. Even though Kelly's shift had ended, she stayed with me through it all. It was the scariest experience of my life and I am so grateful to Kelly for her support. She went above and beyond. She brought tremendous comfort and relief to a traumatic situation.