Kelly McCloud
May 2020
Transplant Unit
Boston Children's Hospital
United States




Kelly was instrumental in getting my daughter out of bed to walk every day.
My daughter was enjoying a virtual long-distance movie date with her boyfriend. Kelly surprised her with popcorn and snacks she had gone downstairs to get! This was completely unexpected and warmed our hearts. My daughter was delighted. She also treated my daughter to a yummy smoothie on another occasion. When coming back from the roof garden one day, Kelly had made a super-cute 7-month anniversary poster for my daughter and her boyfriend. This brought many smiles to my girl. Kelly also had water waiting for us one morning as we had slept in a bit. That was a lovely touch. Kelly accompanied us everywhere- the roof, x-ray, ultrasound, we felt looked after so well. Kelly was instrumental in getting my daughter out of bed to walk every day. The breathing toy was perfect to get her motivated to work on her lungs. Kelly brightened up our stay by going out of her way to bring some cheer to my daughter's day.