July 2020
Augusta Health
United States




Kendra brought her concerns to me and I then ordered additional tests which subsequently resulted in the proper diagnosis.
Thank you for allowing me to share an example of excellence. On a busy day in the PCU, Kendra was taking care of a patient who just didn't quite fit the profile for her initial diagnosis. Kendra is an RN known for her diligence and looking at all aspects of her patient's care: labs, x-rays, assessments, presentation, and subtle changes. This coupled with her easy-going nature puts her patients at ease and allows for easy interaction - with patients, families, and care providers. As Kendra spent time talking with this particular patient and observing her presentation, Kendra began to realize that the patient could be experiencing an illness for which she was not begin treated. Kendra was taking care of this specific patient and took into account her CT findings, her clinical presentation as well as where the patient lived (which played a major part in her condition). Kendra brought her concerns to me and I then ordered additional tests which subsequently resulted in the proper diagnosis and care for the patient and proper protection for the staff.

This is not the first time that Kendra has tuned into the subtleties that a patient can present with. With her superb nursing and communication skills, Kendra can be relied upon by the physicians to be a critical thinker and communicate her findings, which ensures that the proper care is being provided to our patients. I would like to recognize Kendra for her diligence and critical thinking skills in the care she provides for our patients at Augusta Health. Kendra is an amazing nurse!