Kerri Alexander
March 2016
Vascular Access Team
Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center
United States
We had a patient in the Perinatal Surveillance Unit (PSU) that was required to stay for multiple months. Due to the high risk nature of this patient, an IV was required at all times. The Vascular Access Team placed multiple midlines and IVs for this patient during her stay. Unfortunately, the patient found the midlines to be very bothersome and the Vascular Access Team was asked to see the patient frequently. Every time Kerri came to assess the midline, she was always friendly, positive, upbeat, and professional. She would be creative in problem solving in order to avoid needing to reinsert the midline. Kerri also always made an effort to make the patient feel as comfortable as possible, both physically and emotionally. I want to thank Kerri for always going above and beyond in her role and for being such a wonderful resource for the hospital.