June 2023
Kevin M
Emergency Room
Phoenix VA Health Care System
United States




Though the entire process took a great deal of time when he had other patients, Kevin made sure the veteran's concerns were addressed so he could stay and get the care he needed.
Kevin Yingling continuously provides excellent care and goes out of his way to advocate for the veterans. Still, I would like to highlight just one example of him taking the extra time to meet a veteran's needs. Kevin had an elderly veteran who needed to stay but was declining admission because he had forgotten his phone and needed to arrange for his son to care for his wife, who has dementia and was home alone. He couldn't remember anyone's phone number and had no way to contact the family to arrange this. The phone number on file for the veteran's wife was ringing without an answer. The veteran stated he didn't know his son's phone number or address but knew how to drive to his house if he was starting at his own home. Kevin brought the veteran to a computer at the nursing station. Using Google Earth and the veteran's address from his chart, he patiently went turn by turn until the veteran identified his son's home. Kevin recorded the address, contacted police, and arranged for an officer to visit his son's house, tell him of the situation, and give them Kevin's phone number. Both the officer and the son called Kevin back to assure the patient that his wife was safe and that his son was on the way to take care of her. Kevin updated the son on the veteran's plan of care and gave him the information to visit and phone to check on his dad. Though the entire process took a great deal of time when he had other patients, Kevin made sure the veteran's concerns were addressed so he could stay and get the care he needed.