Kevin Marillier
December 2023
Critical Care/Stepdown
Sarasota Memorial Hospital-Venice
North Venice
United States




I can safely say that Kevin is an angel on earth and made losing our beloved M as peaceful and loving as possible. None of us will ever forget him for as long as we live.
Kevin was the ICU nurse who was with my grandmother for over a week. She unfortunately passed but Kevin treated her with the utmost respect, care, dignity, and kindness that she deserved. He called her “Miss M” and spoke in a soft tone when he would do anything to her, whenever when she was in a coma. He made it a ritual of sorts when he would moisturize her mouth and clean her nose, and he was the only nurse who would put ointment on her lips. He treated her like she was his own family. When it was decided that M would be removed from her ventilator/life support, he wasn’t assigned to be her charge nurse that day. He made it a point to switch patients with another nurse so that he saw my grandmother to the end. My father was in the ICU with my grandmother for the entire time she was admitted and at the end of the night, Kevin would sit and chat with my dad, keeping him company and taking his mind off the awful situation he was in with his mother. He even told my dad when he would leave for the night, “Don’t worry, I’ll treat her like my own mother while you’re away for the night”. I can safely say that Kevin is an angel on earth and made losing our beloved M as peaceful and loving as possible. None of us will ever forget him for as long as we live. All nurses can learn from Kevin on how to treat patients with dignity and respect, and if you looked up “bedside manner” in the dictionary, this sweet man would be there. He is truly a special human and healthcare worker, and we will always be indebted to him.