Kimberly Macey
January 2021
Labor & Delivery
Cooper University Health Care




There was never a need for me to use my call bell as Kim seemed to appear out of thin air in all the perfect moments.
Kim entered my room at the start of her shift poised to tackle whatever challenges my labor might bring. She did not skip a beat when moments later an opportunity to advocate for me presented itself. Respecting my wish to deliver naturally and without an epidural and pain medications, Kim alerted me to the doctor's plans to progress my labor along. Those plans would surely make that difficult.
Kim provided me with the tools to discuss plans fairly with the doctors. There was never a need for me to use my call bell as Kim seemed to appear out of thin air in all the perfect moments. She brought a sense of calm and control in the most chaotic of moments. Kim knew exactly the level of support I needed; I could not have made it through the challenges my labor resented. I was thrilled to have her there to bring my baby into this world.