Kristin Garman
May 2024
Virginia Hospital Center
United States




From the moment she took him on as a patient, it was apparent to my family and me that she took on the challenge of saving his life fully.
“He was healthy and strong the day before, and then, after losing a significant amount of blood into his nephrostomy bag, suddenly our father was on the brink of death in what seemed like a moment. He was whisked to the ICU and placed on a ventilator. Throughout the day, his levels dropped and dropped. We were told he likely wouldn't make it through the evening, and my family was quickly losing hope. Throughout this day, a fantastic team of doctors and nurses at Virginia Hospital Center's ICU worked tirelessly, and Kristin Garman in particular was by my father's side throughout. She never left his room. From the moment she took him on as a patient, it was apparent to my family and me that she took on the challenge of saving his life fully.

Kristin never wavered--in terms of energy, work, and determination, but also in kindness and grace to my family, and to particularly my mother, whose fear and confusion were overtaking her mind, body, and heart to the point of disorientation and panic. Kristin's care not only for my father, but my family, was evident in everything she did and said. We'll never forget how Kristin leapt up on my dad's bed to provide chest compressions when he was on the brink--she's an actual hero. She'll remain a figure of reverence to our family for her rare combination of determined, fierce care for my dad and gentle sweetness for my mom. She took the time to stop in, even when my dad was not her patient in subsequent days, only cinches it. Thanks to Kristin and her colleagues in the ICU, my dad is presently recuperating, and will hopefully enjoy more days and time with his wife, his sons, and his grandson (my son), who loves his grandfather more than anything and wants only to play catch with him again. Incredibly, this may again be possible, and it's thanks to our nurse Kristin.”