Krystal Adams
August 2021
2 south
Wellstar Douglas Hospital
United States




I had many ups and downs during this long hospital stay and I thank God many times over for this highly trained nurse – compassionate, most attentive, quick to respond to needs of mine.
I came into the ER and went right into Emergency Surgery with small bowel obstruction. The ER had much difficulty getting NG Tube in…many attempts…after surgery, maybe day 3 or 4, took tube out…few days passed because I was very sick again…Dr. ordered night nurse to put it back in. After many failed attempts, he had to stop, the tube kept turning over and balling up…started bleeding both sides of the nose. I became violently sick, throwing up many times in the night. After shift change, Krystal came in telling me she had to try to get the tube back in. This wonderful nurse started advancing the tube, as I watched her hand, she had a unique technique…advanced the tube with a little twist of her fingers…"NO PROBLEM”, best of all because of technique, only NO PAIN. No pain in putting it in, but now, because it was functioning, I didn’t have the horrible pain in my gut. She also had to put Foley in because I lost muscle control once again due to spinal stenosis. I was for the first time, not feeling like I was going to explode or drown in my body fluids. Exhausted, I collapsed, getting 2 hours of much-needed sleep. I had many ups and downs during this long hospital stay and I thank God many times over for this highly trained nurse – compassionate, most attentive, quick to respond to needs of mine. All my nursing care has been excellent, as always, but a nurse such as Krystal doesn’t come along very often. I kept getting sicker instead of better. Her communication skills from nurse to patient to the doctor made sure my care was the best possible and going in the right direction. I always try to be aware of the stress nurses face every day. Nurses are stretched thin with high nurse to patient ratios, and no matter how sick or needy I may feel, I just listen and see that there is always someone sicker. I need to be patient with response of any request of mine, so the nurse can take care of everyone. Things always kept happening to me at the worst time, usually shift change and going for x-rays, etc., just bad timing. I kept saying how sorry I was, but Krystal made such a caring, fast response. She always made me feel better. I try so hard and when I know that I caused anyone more stress, as it truly bothered me. She 100% made it okay. Not many can do that. Krystal made the biggest difference in not only my care but turning my physical progress around. There are so many examples that I can’t list them all. Please help me thank her by you showing appreciation for this fantastic nurse, and wonderful lady.  I wish her the best in the future.