Kylie Wiltman
September 2022
Same Day Surgery
Aurora Medical Center Manitowoc County
Two Rivers
United States




The care Kylie provided may have seemed routine to some and what makes her exceptional would not be noticed by most.
I have been a nurse for 29 years and I have interacted with and observed many nurses throughout those years. It is often the little things that can make such an impact on patients and their families, and it is this care that exemplifies nursing. Kylie is an exceptional nurse and demonstrated so many of the traits that I have come to believe the best nurses possess. From her knowledge to her open communication to her attention to detail to her collaboration with other professionals to the compassionate care, she provided to my Dad. The care Kylie provided may have seemed routine to some and what makes her exceptional would not be noticed by most. But as a fellow nurse, I recognize the value of a detailed, thorough intake, clarifying whether my dad should still have his morning ACE inhibitor, repositioning and getting a second pillow for comfort, etc. As a former DAISY committee member at another facility who assisted in selecting our institution’s winners, I highly recommend Kylie for this award.