Lasandra Young
May 2022
SEDC Wilmington DaVita Dialysis Center
United States




She is not afraid to tell someone that she loves them and treats all of the team/patients like they are her beloved children, worth her time and attention.
This RN is able to pull from her unique experiences in coping with her own grief to provide comfort to those who are grieving the loss of their loved ones, the loss of their health, and the loss of their independence. She brings several decades of experience working in the nursing field along with her as well and has not allowed the burden of the job to make her turn cold towards those in suffering in attempts of self-preservation. She is not afraid to tell someone that she loves them and treats all of the team/patients like they are her beloved children, worth her time and attention. She exemplifies the DaVita Way by caring for the patients as she would for a relative, and is a role model to the younger generation of nurses. Our patients feel safe and cared for with her watching over our facility. It is my honor to nominate Lasandra Young for this award.