Laura Geron
October 2016
8D- Medical Teaching
Overlook Medical Center
United States
As a Patient with Sickle Cell, it is common to be apprehensive on how nurses will take care of you especially when you are in pain. When Laura introduced herself at the beginning of her shift, she was extremely kind and soft spoken. The night before, I was located on a different unit. If I had met Laura before hand I would have requested her to be my nurse. I require around the clock medication, so I keep a log book on my phone to keep track of when my medications are due next. With Laura, I never had to turn on an alarm or check my log book. Laura would be at my door right on time with the necessary medication. She made sure that my pain was under control. Judging from facial expressions and body language, Laura knew I was in a great deal of pain. She supplied me with heat packs, more pillows, and casual conversation to make me laugh. As a sickle cell patient, we encounter many nurses. To have a nurse that genuinely cares about your well-being deserves the recognition for being a great nurse.
Thank you!
Thank you!