Laura Martin
February 2020
Hematology/Bone Marrow Transplant
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
United States




Laura is committed to patients and their families through her tireless commitment to evidence-based practice and nursing education for the unit as well as for the patients and family members themselves. Laura is always available to the staff and patients and provides teaching and demonstration to staff, patients and families.
We have a unique and growing population of Bone Marrow Transplant patients on the unit, sometimes up to 9 transplants in a month. Laura is at the bedside for every transplant and works with the patients, nurses and transplant doctors to ensure a safe and successful infusion. She helps answer the questions that arise during the transplants and then follows through by checking in with the patients' multiple times post-transplant. Laura created a Bone Marrow Transplant Calendar that is tailored for each BMT patient to keep them up to date on their progress as well as a section for what the patient can do to improve their outcome post-transplant.
Laura does an outstanding job planning and implementing orientation for nurses and clinical technicians. She can adjust to each person's learning needs and help them successfully navigate the new hire/orientation process. She keeps all staff up to date on new and continuing education.
Laura is a champion of evidence-based practice integration and helps to incorporate it into everyday practice through her outstanding leadership and teaching ability. She collaborates with other educators, managers, ONS and multiple outside resources to help provide excellent educational services to the staff not only on her units but hospital-wide. She is very active on the Hospital Practice Council, chemo advisory council, hospice steering committee and med connect oncology build group. Laura is a true leader and shows that in her everyday practice on the units and in her roles throughout the hospital and beyond.
Laura encourages staff to seek their certification in Oncology and assists them in Oncology and BMT competencies. She continuously assesses the learning needs of the staff on her units and develops teaching objectives based on those needs. She goes above and beyond her own responsibilities to lend a helping hand to the staff of her unit and other units as needed. She quickly assesses situations and helps resolve issues very timely. She continues to seek opportunities to help improve patient care by researching and providing teaching on new and evidence-based practices.
Teamwork is one of Laura's strong suits. She is always present and engaged with the staff on her units and always available to assist with Chemo/BMT questions and basic patient care when needed. She makes herself fully available, even when out of the hospital, by answering texts and phone calls.
Staff Input:
I love that Laura has not only a wealth of oncology and BMT nursing knowledge. She can answer ANY question I can think of knowledge-wise; she also is there to answer the big life questions. I honestly could not have made it through the first 9 months of this job without her support emotionally as well- reassuring me any hiccups or frustrations were all part of becoming a nurse!
Laura wears so many hats! Honestly, I am not even sure what is technically in her job description because she does so much for the unit, including answer bed alarms, check chemo, and anything else in-between. She is an awesome resource to have. Even during all the managers and interim managers, she was always a crutch for support, with things likely not in her title. She will drop what she is doing to help you with whatever you need clarity on. You wouldn't think she's been away from the bedside for very long as she is very relatable and understands how crazy things can get on the floor and how things "actually" run. She just gets it. Healthcare is full of constant changes and change can be hard, but Laura is great at making sure we are all aware and explaining changes, which helps the staff be less reluctant to adopt the changes. In the 4 years I've been here, all the new grads have raved about how supportive and approachable she is in their first year of nursing. She is always available and genuinely doesn't seem to mind if we must text her off-hours needing clarity on a situation. How lucky we are to have Laura as our educator. I don't even think people realize how much she does for the unit and the BMT program. She is essential to our unit and worthy of recognition for all her hard work.
As a new-to-practice nurse, Laura is an outstanding educator and guide to this complex field of nursing. She goes the extra mile to ensure not just the new nurses, but everyone on the floor is current and comfortable with all clinical practices. She will go out of her way to teach, demonstrate, and act as a resource during busy, difficult, or confusing situations. She takes time out of her busy schedule to check-in with the floor nurses and offers any assistance. Laura generously gives her time, resources, knowledge, and care to all the nurses, technicians, staff, and patients. Laura is a nurse that goes above to teach and provide the best care possible!
Laura is a HUGE asset to her team and to the entire hospital. Laura is an exceptional nurse. She is very knowledgeable and patient, especially with new nurses. She is passionate about oncology patients. She is the president of the local ONS chapter. She does so many "little things" for the units to boost morale when times are hard. She is an enthusiastic teacher and treats all with kindness and respect. She is quick to help any nurse at the bedside and will look up anything when we are struggling for answers. She offers a listening ear when it is so needed. She is the rock of our units. She devotes so much time, effort, and energy into educating our nursing staff to become excellent nurses. I would not be the nurse I am today without Laura.
Laura is a wonderful nurse educator who is always patient and understanding. She takes time out of her day to support nurses on the floor during BMT transplants or other new/not common procedures. She is an excellent resource and explains policies in a way that enhances the nurses' practice, as opposed to educators who explain things in a discrediting way. Laura is a great nurse in her own right, and she gives the nurses tools, information, and encouragement they need to be great nurses as well.