December 2014
Cardiovascular Telemetry
Upstate University Hospital
United States
...I was so nauseous that there were days when I puked from just the smell of food. Even on what feels like the worst day of your life, Laura came in as a ray of sunshine. She makes her patients feel special. She had such an impact on my life! I was very nervous when it was time for me to go to IR to get my second PICC line. Laura took my hand, looked me in the eye and said "You are awesome and you can do this!". When I returned from IR I found a stuffed animal on my bed with a post-it note cut into the shape of a speech bubble that said" Yeah! You did it! You are awesome!". What she did was above and beyond. Having found that in my bed changed the way I looked at myself every day. I got up in the morning and felt I was awesome because of her note. She has made such an impact on my life. She changed the way I look at myself forever. That inner strength got me well. She is absolutely incredible and can put a smile on your face. My best mornings were when I woke to see Laura there. For all this and more she deserves to be honored with the DAISY Award!