Lauren Bugner
December 2023
Northside Hospital
United States




This readmission has been frightening and frustrating, and at times, I’ve struggled with feeling any kind of hope. Lauren saw this and went out of her way to make my days better
I was readmitted due to complications from a hysterectomy. I had this surgery because I was diagnosed with cancer, and this was part of my treatment plan. This has been a particularly hard time for my children and me because my husband died of cancer two years ago. I’ve been struggling with the worries of leaving my kids parentless. This readmission has been frightening and frustrating, and at times, I’ve struggled with feeling any kind of hope. Lauren saw this and went out of her way to make my days better. She found food that was appealing to me. My 16-year-old son was home alone for more than a week as I was hospitalized. Lauren would save the extra meals from the kitchen instead of throwing them away. She did this knowing that my son was going to come and visit me. She would pack up the meals and send them home to him so he had meals to eat and bring to school. She has no idea how much this helped me and calmed my nerves just knowing my son had food.

I needed to go back to surgery and get some drains put in place, as well as get a lot of antibiotics. I was in so much pain from my infection. Lauren advocated for my pain control and was able to get pain services consulted to help with my abdominal pain. She spoke for me when I was in tears and couldn’t speak for myself. She ensured I got the care I needed.

Lauren noticed my faith and how much I leaned on my faith, especially at the hospital. She would join my prayer groups (my friends who visited me) and pray for me, my family, and my healing. Even on the days she wasn’t my nurse, she made it a point to stop and check on me and my wellbeing. She would help me to the bathroom, make sure I wasn’t in pain, and make sure I was happy with the care I was receiving that day.

I don’t think Lauren knows the impact she has had on my family and my healing. I am so blessed to have had her as my nurse. God has truly blessed her hands and her soul. This is her calling, and she is excelling at it. Lauren provided me with a comforting space to heal and recover. She listened to my prayers, cries, and wishes. If I’m ever back in the hospital, I hope I get another “Lauren” to take care of me.