Lauren Deegan
October 2021
Cardiac Cath Lab
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire
United Kingdom




Lauren contacted me to explain what was happening and she made sure that she would act as my mother's advocate while she was an inpatient.
My mum was admitted to hospital after an echocardiogram for treatment for aortic stenosis. The admission was a shock as she was only expecting to have a test and go home. The plan on admittance had been for open-heart surgery for the replacement but at an MDT meeting, it was decided that they would explore the possibility of a TAVI (keyhole) procedure. Unfortunately, the message didn't get to all of the team and a doctor came to see my mum to prepare her for open-heart surgery the following day. My mother called me in floods of tears and was terrified.

This is where Lauren comes into the picture. She is the specialist nurse for TAVI. She came to see my mother and explain to her that an error had occurred and that she wouldn't be having the operation until she had all tests and the decision would be made for the best procedure for her. Lauren contacted me to explain what was happening and she made sure that she would act as my mother's advocate while she was an inpatient. She came to see my mum frequently to explain what was happening and when. She organised for me to see my mum who had become quite distressed with the situation. I explained to Lauren that my mother was scared of the surgery as her mother had died as a result of heart surgery many years before and she took time to listen to my mother's fears and to explain the procedures to allay those fears. My mother has significant hearing loss and had been struggling to understand everything that was going on. She really put my mother at ease and she truly felt that she had someone she could turn to. She also kept me informed all the way through.

It is very challenging when a family member is in hospital and you can't visit and phone signal issues make it difficult to keep in touch but she went above and beyond in looking after my mum and the whole family too. She truly is a credit to UHCW and nursing in general. Please pass on my mother's and the family's gratitude and thanks.