Leah Lucas
January 2024
Neuro Clinic
Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
Saint Petersburg
United States




I shared the story above, which only provides some insight into her tenacity, professionalism, and unwavering commitment to support her patients.
My middle son, with no warning, experienced a grand mal seizure that ended up with us at All Children's Hospital for testing and observation. It was only once, but terrifying nonetheless. As part of my son's "return to school" plan, I wanted the rescue medications to be readily available for the staff in the event he experienced another seizure. Initially, they would not budge on their policy that requires all medications to be locked in a cabinet in the main office. Knowing the layout of the school, I knew it would not be humanly possible for a staff member to consistently reach my son within the three to five-minute time frame outlined for this medication to be administered, and he would not be allowed to carry it himself. So, I reached out through MyChart, hoping that our doctor (who we still had not yet officially met) would be able to offer any "best practices" for how to handle a situation of our type. That is when I had the fortune of meeting Leah Lucas. Within a few hours, she called and I explained the situation. She quickly identified that we had not been provided an official documented "Seizure Action Plan" and proceeded to prepare and send it so that I may utilize that as part of my conversation with the Director of Health Services for the school district. The conversations that followed were a series of back and forth, needing to have additional and reworded prescriptions provided in order to allow the school to have a dose in the classroom for my son as well as in the office. Leah supported the requests with no hesitation, and my son was able to return to school shortly thereafter. When we met with our doctor, we made a point to personally thank Leah for her time and support and ensure she had a face to go with the name of the young man she had been helping. Following our visit, my son was prescribed a nasal spray rescue medication requiring prior authorizations from his doctor. The pharmacy and insurance were not clearly aligned, and when I finally was able to get a straight answer, our prescription drug company still would not approve it. I discussed this with Leah via phone, and she prepared a considerate and concise urgent request asking that they reconsider their decision to approve the medication. Over the next three days, we found ourselves in another "back and forth" situation where Leah kept me updated on everything that was taking place. She proactively called, even when there was little information to share, just as she said she would. I never had to follow up for a status. Leah was committed to ensuring my son had what he needed, and on the evening of the third day, she suggested a manufacturer coupon that would allow us to obtain the medication at a lower cost, outside of our prescription drug benefit. I was shocked; it worked, and we had the medication the next morning. I shared the story above, which only provides some insight into her tenacity, professionalism, and unwavering commitment to support her patients. I have three children, and they have had more than their fair share of medical/therapy appointments throughout my 18 years as a parent. I can honestly say that I can count on one hand the number of times, ever, that any doctor or Nurse has been as responsive and proactive as Leah. She is professional, kind, knowledgeable, persistent, and an incredibly valuable part of the All Children’s Neurology staff. Regardless of whether or not she is recognized with an award, I hope those around her know how fortunate they are to have her on their team.