Leighanne Hemphill
February 2022
Ascension Saint Thomas Rutherford
United States




She was extremely kind, understanding, and patient with her, even sitting with her for an hour to hold her hand, talk sweetly to her, and listen to her – all of which calmed her down.
My grandmother has very advanced Lewy Body Dementia which can be extremely difficult to deal with. One day, she was crying, screaming, combative (e.g. biting, hitting), paranoid, hallucinating, trying to get out of bed, etc. all day long in the ICU. Leighanne stayed on top of her like a hawk. She was extremely kind, understanding, and patient with her, even sitting with her for an hour to hold her hand, talk sweetly to her, and listen to her – all of which calmed her down (until the next episode). She catered to her every need and followed up on all my questions. She paged doctors when needed to get her PRNs straightened out. She didn’t seem rushed at all despite it being a busy unit that day. She was also extremely impacted in her rectum on arrival, a condition known as stercoral colitis. Leighanne helped give her an enema, which gave my grandma much relief. The enema opened the flood gates, and the stool kept coming after that, necessitating frequent underwear changes, which didn’t phase her. I could go on and on, but please consider her for this award, as anyone patient enough to deal with my grandmother deserves monumental recognition.