Linda Lillington
January 2024
Clinical Education
Torrance Memorial Medical Center
United States




Linda came and swept us off our feet with her guru-like insights on EBP and Nursing Research.
When Linda came to Torrance Memorial, I believe that Nursing Research was a missing a strong and expert leader, but Linda quickly filled that void. Her knowledge and kindness inspired staff nurses to participate in research. She consistently worked and challenged nurses to add research as a necessary element when examining nurse practice. Besides being the expert nurse scientist, she shared her knowledge with all who showed interest. As a nurse leader, I often tapped into her knowledge to help me process studies that were coming forward from our staff. She was able to explain to me in basic terms and language that I could understand. She also kept me informed about new studies that she thought would elevate nursing practice at Torrance and how we might be able to execute similar studies at Torrance. She also was consistently available to staff and leaders. She would frequently text or email us with the latest and greatest studies, which helped us stay current. Her unending passion for research and her willingness to share that knowledge has moved our organization forward by leaps and bounds. Due to Linda’s passion, staff nurses and leaders now have nationally published studies and have given presentations about their research. She took the time to gently guide and nurture us to make sure we understood the concepts of research. I believe that it was Linda’s research excellence that made all of the nursing research at Torrance come alive.

When I was promoted at Torrance, I was advised to listen to Linda and always keep her close. As the years have passed, I have come to understand her knowledge and the wisdom that Linda showed us daily.

Thank you, Linda, for your leadership and commitment to Nursing. We are so much better because of you.


I nominate Dr. Linda Lillington for the DAISY Lifetime Achievement Award for her tremendous contributions to the practice of evidence-based nursing. During her long-distinguished career, she has influenced practice changes to improve the quality of care for patients. Dr. Lillington led the research council, and hundreds of nurses caught the spark for evidence-based practice from the thoughtful questions and guidance she offered. The spark turned into a passion for evidence-based practice and today we have thought leaders in every patient care unit and procedural areas at Torrance Memorial making a difference for the patients. Dr. Lillington’s legacy is measured in many ways, and we could fill pages with examples of her influence. I am forever changed by my time working with Dr. Lillington and learning the power of curiosity and well-placed questions. Thank you.


Linda is the best nurse researcher Torrance Memorial is so lucky to have. She mentored so many of us not only with her knowledge but also with her kindness, gentleness, and passion. She has a special way to encourage people to do their best. Please tell her our abstract was published on American Burn Association Journal and quoted by European Burn Journal. I will attach the screenshots. Linda is so missed. Her absence is felt greatly.


We are fortunate to have a lot of great leaders here at TMMC. But as I look back at my career a few mentors stand out as a shining example of what it means to be a daisy leader—and I would definitely not be here if it wasn’t for her.

Dr. Lillington, our first doctorally prepared nurse here on TMMC Campus, really was a God-send as she was described to have fallen out of the sky when we needed her most. On our initial magnet journey in 2008-2009, we looked like a pretty nifty organization on paper. However, we were missing that one magical piece, and I am assured this was Linda.

One of the ways TMMC nursing transformed in the last 12 years was by inhabiting a spirit of inquiry –this was the spark that Linda started. In years past, if nurses saw a practice that didn’t sit well, there were no real avenues to search for evidence or make change. Linda came and swept us off our feet with her guru-like insights on EBP and Nursing Research. She initiated the fellowship programs and for years that was the vehicle for ordinary staff nurses at the bedside to find the time and support to investigate the clinical issues they encountered and come up with scientifically backed-solutions. I can easily say that EBP has become an everyday word around here because of Linda. And that spirit of inquiry permeated throughout our campus, from initial proposals for the IV team in PCU, non-pharmacological methods to improve the laboring process, containing infections in the NICU, or increasing ambulation in the CVICU, there was no corner of nursing that could not be touched by Linda’s efforts. Posters and presentations, publications, and conferences all became a natural part of how nursing functions. Nurses felt empowered to participate in research for the first time and be the pioneers of new knowledge!

Aside from helping transform nursing into a profession based on the scientific method, Linda is the epitome of the DAISY Nurse Leader. What sets her apart is how she goes about her work with such profound humility despite the mountains of accolades and achievements behind her name. No question too small, no project too large. Linda does not hesitate to respond to anyone in need—night and day, work or even holiday. She is so great at letting people know: your concern matters and you can be a part of the solution. You don’t have to travel far through the hallways to find a nurse or initiative that was not touched by Linda’s efforts either directly or indirectly. She could very well be a great professor at Hogwarts—full of wisdom, kindness, and fortitude. Though logic is the weapon she helps us wield to overcome seemingly insurmountable issues, it is her heart that wins the battles for us. We are grateful for leaders of quiet strength like Dr. Linda Lillington.


When I first met Linda Lillington, I was the Director of Clinical Education at Torrance Memorial Medical Center. As a department, we were a small but powerful group of professional nurses, Clinical Nurse Specialists and Nurse Practitioners. We were on the hunt for a Nurse Scientist, PhD who could take us and our staff nurses to the next level in Nursing Research and evidence-based practice. I had looked many places and was at a loss for just the right person. In walked Linda Lillington for an interview! She was a perfect fit! Not only because of her impressive credentials, but Linda’s passion for the profession of nursing and her warm personality made us all want to grow together and do more.

And that we did. Linda began teaching us all the importance of doing the research, gathering data, and improving our patient care outcomes. Once the nurses were taught how to identify and critically appraise research literature, they responded with positive enthusiasm. Linda has touched the minds and the hearts of all who worked with her on so very many projects and publications.

Nurses at all levels in our organization have grown from her dedication and easily accessible knowledge because no question was ever too basic, and if you had a really good idea, she was there to support you in moving forward all the way to publication! As Chief Nursing Office years later, Linda and I presented together at the ACNL conference. It was a thrill for me, and I’ll never forget her calm and caring approach in sharing the work we had accomplished.

Torrance Memorial is so very fortunate to have Linda on board. Because of her professional connections, many other nursing leaders in the state have also taken notice of the growing strength of the research and best practices we have shared.

Linda is one of the best, a nurse, a leader, a professional, and a friend. Congratulations dear friend, it has been an honor to work with you.


Dear Linda,

What an honor to be asked to say a few words about wonderful YOU!

While I was never directly involved in any research projects, I certainly learned a great deal about this work through my esteemed colleague M. M worked on many research projects with you and always shared a great deal about your dedication and hard work, and especially what you brought to TMMC. There is no doubt we have a stronger nursing department, and we are a better medical center because of your contributions. I’ve always been impressed by how humble and kind you are but especially how encouraging you are to other nurses. You are truly a great leader and a true DAISY! Your presence here is missed for sure, but the impressions you have left are permanent.

Congratulations Linda on this great honor!


Dear Linda,

Every time I sit in your office, I am truly humbled to grasp the impressive scope of nursing research and the degree of scholarship you’ve brought to TMMC. You’ve worked tirelessly to share both your knowledge and your passion for teaching, encouraging others to experience the satisfaction one feels by uncovering the truth. You’ve planted strong seeds at TMMC, which continue to grow and develop. Linda, I end this letter with my admiration and deep appreciation for all you’ve done to help me as my dear Mentor!