May 2021
Southeastern Louisiana University School of Nursing
United States




Lindsay has inspired me with her dedication.
Lindsay Domiano exemplifies the kind of faculty member that students, colleagues, staff, and administrators recognize as an exemplary educator and an outstanding role model. I would like to thank this faculty member and share my story of why this instructor is so special: I believe Lindsay Domiano has been an outstanding role model for Southeastern's School of Nursing faculty, students, and the university community at large as she has taken on the very difficult task of coordinating and ensuring the delivery of COVID vaccines to us!

I know when Lindsay agreed to first coordinate this project, she thought she was volunteering for a weekend or two, which has become many weekends with ongoing vaccinations and no stopping in sight. I believe this work will translate into so many lives saved - those of our nursing/allied health students, faculty, University colleges, and community at large. I believe her organizational skills, leadership, and devotion to the COVID vaccination project exemplify the qualities of nurses who work hard to do what is best one patient, one student, one University, one community at a time. She has inspired me with her dedication.