Linnet Kurian
August 2024
2West Neuromuscular Unit
Northwestern Medicine Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital
United States




Linnet mentioned that it actually "bothered" her that I might feel uncomfortable with my sleeves rolling. Every day, she carefully applies the adhesive, and I feel great all day!
Since I arrived at Marianjoy, I had Linnet as my nurse the most frequently. Not only is she great at what she does, but Linnet has the BEST bedside manner a nurse can have. She is always cheerful, ready, and willing to help. It doesn't matter what I need, she is there for me and helps me with everything - from trips to and from the bathroom to helping me get dressed and ready in the AM. She goes out of her way to find helpful solutions to any issues I encounter. For example, she called around to find a specific adhesive called "It Stays" to stop my lymphedema arm wraps from rolling down. I didn't even know such a thing existed, and Linnet mentioned that it actually "bothered" her that I might feel uncomfortable with my sleeves rolling. Every day, she carefully applies the adhesive, and I feel great all day! She also has the best attitude and is just an absolute pleasure to be around and work with. She is considerate of your schedule, works around others quickly and efficiently, and is definitely a team player! I can go on and on, but I want everyone to know what an asset you have here at Marianjoy! She is phenomenal at what she does and is a great nurse and employee. She is definitely in the right profession.

Note: This is Linnet's 2nd DAISY Award!