Linus Hloko
October 2022
5/6G Acute Respiratory ICU
Emory University Hospital
United States




Linus stayed at the patient's bedside talking to him and comforting him. He held his hand at times and was able to complete his charting at once.
On Sunday, his first night on his own, off orientation, Linus took the extreme initiative in his patient care. He had a 2 person assignment. His first patient was a possible transfer and very easy to manage. I wanted to talk to you about his other patient. This patient was recently placed on comfort measures and is waiting for Hospice. The gentleman has been fearful, sometimes yelling out for help when he wakes up. Linus stayed at the patient's bedside talking to him and comforting him. He held his hand at times and was able to complete his charting at once. Linus was able to keep the patient calm by "just being there". He did a wonderful job of helping the patient relax and sleep. Linus exemplified what ARICU nursing is. He has compassion, and patience, and is very delicate when he works. I have been very proud to be his preceptor.