Lisa Manning
December 2021
Children's Surgical Unit- 3NW
Primary Children's Hospital
Salt Lake City
United States




Lisa truly made you feel like a cherished family member which mattered so much to us with all the physical, mental, and emotional challenges we were dealing with all at once.
Our daughter, B, became very ill at the end of October. She started throwing up and we couldn't figure out why. She wasn't getting better, we had just moved to the Preston, Idaho area and were still getting settled in. After several days of being sick, B was getting very dehydrated, and we took her to the hospital. After two different facilities, tests, an x-ray, and a CT scan it was discovered that B had swallowed a small button battery and a small magnabead magnet which got lodged in her intestines. They life flighted us to Primary Children's here in SLC where over a few weeks period they performed 1 surgery where they successfully extracted the objects and then another a week later to make one more perforation repair. In total B has been here almost 5 weeks recovering from infections and fevers since then.

When I pondered on which nurses stood out the most in terms of time, care, and effort there were 2 clear choices. Brittney Zahn and Lisa Manning were with us as night nurses and between the two of them, they cared for us for about 2 weeks!

Lisa was one of the most nurturing and caring night nurses that we had the pleasure of associating with. She tirelessly served us night after night even during some of B's most difficult recovery periods after both of her surgeries. She truly made you feel like a cherished family member which mattered so much to us with all the physical, mental, and emotional challenges we were dealing with all at once. She really went out of her way to make us feel comfortable and well taken care of. She has a great amount of experience which she tirelessly shared on our behalf, especially during the harder periods. It was amazing to see her optimistic and positive attitude through it all, she even took extra time to ensure that our needs as the parents were taken care of and made us feel very included and valued as well. We are very grateful for Lisa's attentiveness, love, and care in demonstrating what it really means to serve and care for others.