Liz Keller
September 2020
Ascension at Home
United States




When my mother decided one painful afternoon to stop fighting her body's desire to shut down, to give in, to let go, we knew the next step would be hospice, that the clock of inevitability would start ticking and eventually stop altogether. We were scared.
A couple of days later our fears melted away when a soft-spoken, engaging little brunette, dark eyes sparkling above her COVID mask, stepped in and erased the doubt with her reassuring and efficient manner, gently and professionally introducing us to hospice and completely winning over my proud and private mother. I expected Liz to be kind, to be thorough, but I never imagined feeling like I had known her for years, like there was nothing else she would rather be doing, like Mom was her only patient.
At a time of complete anxiety and uncertainty, Liz was the calm in the storm. She listened, she encouraged, she reassured, she laughed with us and empathized, giving us her time and her expertise with the most heartfelt sincerity.
In the time that followed, Liz was never out of touch; she was always checking in, making sure we had all that we needed, clarifying and responding to questions we had, and continually reaching beyond our medical needs to inquire how we were dealing with our emotional wellbeing.
I remember one day when Mom had stopped responding, that Liz, though her day was exceptionally busy, sat on the floor of Mom's bedroom and we just talked. I had asked her how she chose hospice nursing, and she told me a bit about her personal/professional journey. In those moments, I could see the passion in her eyes, hear it in her voice, and realized how blessed we were to have Liz in our lives, walking our darkest walk with us and bringing light to our steps. I called her an angel, and she is. She had a lot to do that day, but you never would have known that. She was willing to sit with me until I was okay. God has chosen her, called her to her profession, and I am eternally grateful for her selfless devotion to her patients and their families.
We are lucky in life if we find a career that suits us perfectly and allows us to work from our strengths, providing personal satisfaction and valuable service to others. Ascension at Home is truly blessed to have an angel among them, giving her all with compassion, devotion, and love. Thank you, Liz. I will never forget you.
Thank you to Ascension at Home for taking great care with my precious momma.