Liza Zastrow
January 2021
St. Cloud VA Health Care System




Liza is compassionate, knowledgeable, and patient
Liza Zastrow is an amazing Nurse. Whenever I present to her unit or on rounds, she is very knowledgeable about all the Veterans in her care. She always gives me a detailed and updated report. Her assessment skills are excellent. I have overheard her speaking with family members on the phone and Liza is compassionate, knowledgeable, and patient with the families and their concerns
When interacting with Veterans, she is patient and kind, giving them the time, they need to express themselves. When Liza floats to other units she does it with a smile and eagerness to help. On the occasions that she is mandated to stay, she again does it with a smile. The units that she had floated to tell me how much they enjoyed her help and what an excellent Nurse she is.
Liza always puts the Veterans first. It is an absolute joy to work with her. I wish we had 20 more just like her.