Lizzie L Wofford
December 2024
Lizzie L
Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System
Little Rock
United States




Lizzie made suggestions that kept everyone at ease. She was always pleasant and upbeat.
I’m a veteran. I was in the Marine Corps from 1969 to 1973. In 2006, I was diagnosed with kidney cancer and had half of my right kidney removed. I was also diagnosed with major depression. In 2016, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and had my prostate surgically removed. I believe that if it were not for the VA, I would not be alive today.

In 2024, I had an auto accident, as well as other medical problems, including heart problems, have come to light this year. I had the good fortune of being placed in Ward 6D at JLM. Nurse Lizzie Wofford was the lead day nurse. I feel she paid close attention to all the details. She took care of me by doing things before I even asked for them. She explained each doctor’s instructions in detail to me and my family so there was no confusion.

She made suggestions that kept everyone at ease. She was always pleasant and upbeat. I looked forward to her returning each day. She was able to make my medication instructions understandable. I can say that through all my medical stays, I feel she is the kindest and most capable nurse I have ever had.