Lori West
December 2020
Family Maternity Center
Sentara Leigh Hospital




Without Lori's support, knowledge, compassion, and know how, both my newborn and I would have fallen deeper through the cracks. I am so thankful for her and her follow up phone call.
I called the lactation department after receiving a call from a follow up (after discharge) nurses, that I could still call the lactation dept with questions and seek support. I called after a tiring few weeks with my newborn. During the call, Lori gave me helpful tips, acknowledged my struggles, and encouraged me to seek out another pediatrician after struggling with getting ours to call me back after the initial visit, and in need of getting my baby's weight. My baby was falling through the cracks and I was scared. Also, in the midst of conversation, she realized I still had my staples from the C-section and they should have been removed. I had called my doctor's office 3 times speaking to the front desk and had also slipped through the cracks. She supported me again in connecting with them and I got an appointment the next day to take them out. Without her support, knowledge, compassion, and know how, both my newborn and I would have fallen deeper through the cracks. I am so thankful for her and her follow up phone call. I truly feel blessed that God allowed me to cross paths with her. As a first time mom, and with no parents or support, these helpful follow up help those of us who truly need them. Thank you so much, Lori! Our little family and baby J will be forever grateful.