Mairead Murray
November 2020
Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)
Dermatology Department
Mater Misericordiae University Hospital




Mairead was gently wiping the patient's brow, combing his hair, chatting away, and then sat beside him giving him a drink. She continued to hold his hand for some time.
Mairead was assigned to Ward for the period when we were designated the COVID19 cohort ward. It had been quite a number of years since she worked on the wards, so there was a lot of catching up to be done in a very short space of time. I observed her on a daily basis and checked in on her regularly. So often I noticed she spent many hours caring compassionately for her patients. One day in particular I noticed from the window of the room, she was gently wiping the patient's brow, combing his hair, chatting away, and then sat beside him giving him a drink. She continued to hold his hand for some time. The compassion, gentleness, love, and kindness shown left me awestruck. This is what nursing is about. Mairead did not count the minutes or the risks to herself. Another day there was FaceTime, and the joy it gave not only to patient's families but also to Mairead. The experience and example were shown in a most unassuming way with staff.