Marco Alberto Figueroa
April 2023
Marco Alberto
Centro de Salud Achs Salud Iquique




I could not describe the fear and concern I felt, but perhaps it was noticeable in my expression and was perceived by this professional who took me by the hand and calmed me down.
Producto de mi caída, fui trasladada por la ambulancia a las dependencias Achs. Al llegar, la primera persona que se acercó a recibirme fue don Marcos, quien me acompañó al interior del box de atención. Cabe señalar que a mis 59 años el miedo y preocupación que sentía no lo podía describir pero quizás se notó en mi expresión y fue percibido por este profesional quien me tomó de la mano y me tranquilizó. Estuvo pendiente de mi persona hasta que me realizaron el ingreso. En el transcurso del día me llevaron a realizar rx y escaner acompañada por este profesional, lo cual agradezco enormemente ya que continuamente me daba palabras tranquilizadoras. Sentía miedo porque no sabía la magnitud de mi accidente y preocupación porque vivo con mi madre un adulto mayor de 87 años quien es de cuidado. Agradezco enormemente su presencia en mi proceso ya que siempre me dio palabras de aliento. Posteriormente fui trasladada a Santiago para operarme. Lamentablemente tuve mala pata y cuando estaba en proceso de curaciones se me infectó la herida, pero nuevamente este profesional estaba presente tranquilizándome. Todavía estoy en proceso de terapias, pero es agradable saber que para estos profesionales no solo somos pacientes sino que somos personas y se preocupan por nosotros. Se acercan a nosotros para preguntar cómo estamos, cómo nos ha ido en nuestro diario vivir, cómo ha ido nuestra evolución y eso se agradece. Por esto y mucho más pienso que Don Marcos es merecedor de este premio.

Translated using Google:

As a result of my fall, I was taken by ambulance to the Achs facilities. Upon arrival, the first person who came to greet me was Don Marcos, who accompanied me inside the service box. It should be noted that at 59 years old, I could not describe the fear and concern I felt, but perhaps it was noticeable in my expression and was perceived by this professional who took me by the hand and calmed me down. He was watching over me until I was admitted. Over the course of the day they took me to have an x-ray and scan accompanied by this professional, which I greatly appreciate since he continually gave me reassuring words. I was afraid because I didn't know the magnitude of my accident and worried because I live with my mother, an adult over 87 years old and I am her caregiver. I greatly appreciate his presence in my process since he always gave me words of encouragement. Later, I was transferred to Santiago to have surgery. Unfortunately, I had a bad leg, and when I was in the healing process, my wound became infected, but again, this professional was present to reassure me. I am still in the process of therapy, but it is nice to know that for these professionals, we are not only patients but that we are people, and they care about us. They approach us to ask how we are, how our daily lives have gone, how our healing has been and that is appreciated. For this and much more I think that Don Marcos is deserving of this award.