Margo Kallio
March 2021
Infant Care Center
Children's Minnesota




Margo trusted our judgement as parents and helped us advocate for our son with the doctors.
It is our pleasure to nominate Margo for The DAISY Award for the care she gave our family during our son's hospital stay. Margo was one of B's primary Nurses in the Minneapolis Children's ICC. Our son was born with long-gap esophageal atresia and spent his first six months of life in the NICU and the ICC. We met Margo when our son was 12-days-old and moved from the NICU to the ICC. By the time we arrived in B's new room, she had already ordered him a bigger crib and collected new linens, toys, and all of the care supplies he needed. Margo welcomed us to the unit and made sure we knew our way around and how to access the services we needed. Margo became one of B's primary daytime Nurses with Debbie Brenna-Minarik. Margo and Debbie provided highly consistent care for B and our family. Margo took time to get to know B's needs and preferences, as well as our schedules. Margo trusted our judgement as parents and helped us advocate for our son with the doctors.
Margo took initiative stocking B's supplies in his room, and even custom-made spare suction tubes from surgery. Margo also found B the cutest linens, outfits, and favorite swaddle blankets to cuddle. Our family is Catholic, and it was very important for us to celebrate our son's Baptism in the hospital. Margo helped us arrange a ceremony so that both sets of grandparents and his aunt and uncle could participate. We are submitting two DAISY Award nominations, one each for Margo and Debbie. They always worked as a team to provide the best care for B and our family and are both equally deserving of the Award. They collaborated on their work schedules to share with us who would be caring for B and who could be present at B's biweekly care conferences. Both Margo and Debbie offered insights from their many years of Nursing to help guide us and offered an additional perspective on how we could expect B's recovery and long-term outcomes to be. Their combined care was the best part of our hospital stay.