Maria Loux
November 2021
St. Mary's Healthcare
United States




Maria has been tremendous support for the success of the Maternity unit and the unity of our staff.
Maria has recently stepped up to be the Maternity Unit Supervisor, but her leadership skills have helped this unit long before that was official. She is so dedicated not only to this unit but to the staff, patients, and this hospital as a whole. She goes all out to help with improving the unit, giving back to the community and our patients and making our staff feel seen and appreciated. Sometimes it’s as simple as writing a card to us after a tough assignment and as big as putting together full-on baskets to give away to patients during special occasions. We can always count on Maria to do whatever it takes to keep this unit running smoothly, even if that means she’s working beyond her own hours, staying late, and doing things from home. I can always count on her to know what to do and if she doesn’t, she knows how to find out. I don’t know what we would do without her, and I’m not the only one who feels this way. I think it’s easy to say that everyone respects and appreciates Maria and our leader, coworker, and friend.


One of the best qualities in a leader is the ability to make staff feel supported and seen, and Maria has exemplified that long before she was in a leadership position. When we have experienced difficult and traumatic things, she is always there to check in on us and make sure we are okay. She is also the first to recognize us for hard work and never hesitates to acknowledge the good work our unit does. She does her best to accommodate our needs as people while still maintaining a very well-run and successful unit. Maria goes above and beyond for all of us, and we are so very lucky to have her.


Maria Loux is a phenomenal leader of the St Mary's maternity unit. Maria goes above and beyond. Not only did Maria assume the role of Maternity Supervisor in the midst of a pandemic, but she also continues to work full-time hours on our unit and pick up extra hours as needed to help out. She's compassionate, knowledgeable, and she always puts the needs of our patients and our staff above all else. The Maternity staff realize how lucky we are to have Maria as our leader.


Maria has been tremendous support for the success of the Maternity unit and the unity of our staff. She manages to go above and beyond consistently within her leadership role or when she is needed as a nurse on staff. She is incredibly caring and knowledgeable and is someone that you can count on to have your back in any situation. She is always willing to be available to help assist the unit despite her own duties within her personal and professional life. She is very approachable and has great ideas and aspirations to continue to promote success within our unit.


Maria has been an exceptional leader and co-worker through two of the most difficult years in nursing. Maria is always willing to jump in when our unit is short in addition to working her scheduled hours on the floor and is a trusted co-worker at the bedside. As our new leader Maria has shown extraordinary patience and thoughtfulness. She is always available to listen and is steadfast in her obligation to create the most dynamic, educated, and committed team in the hospital. I am so very grateful for Maria as a co-worker and even more grateful for her as our leader. Maria has stepped up to a very challenging title and has taken this very seriously. she is a great leader and is doing a fantastic job. She cares for each and every one of us.