Maria Wyzykowski
June 2021
Cardiac ICU
ProMedica Toledo Hospital
United States
Maria on S’s last night with us asked if it was ok with us if she gave him a special extra bath. Although this may sound simple and just part of the job, it meant a lot that she wanted to give extra care to S and to the family as we slept in his room that night.
Maria’s efforts went above and beyond in our minds as she watched over S and our family. With S being a young man of 20 years, the family impact was so deep and so sudden, and Maria demonstrated she understood how hard this was on the family. Her compassion was felt by all those she interacted with and was so much appreciated. When we heard that she and Lisa Lucas asked to change their shifts to make sure they were a consistent team we were so amazed by the thoughtfulness. This extra touch helped us more than words can express.
Maria took it upon herself to make sure her care for S was extraordinary. Her calm, patient responses to us as we asked questions during the night were reassuring and gave us confidence that our son was in the best hands possible. Since Maria had the night shift, she had the extra burden of working with us as we slept near S. She went out of her way to find extra sleeping chairs and blankets so we all could be there. Both Maria and Lisa were there when we received the heartbreaking news of S’s lack of brain activity, and they were visibly shaken by the news. We knew they cared deeply for the job that they do but the way they took such great care of our son will always be etched on our hearts.
Maria on S’s last night with us asked if it was ok with us if she gave him a special extra bath. Although this may sound simple and just part of the job, it meant a lot that she wanted to give extra care to S and to the family as we slept in his room that night. We would hope that Maria could be recognized for her outstanding care and efforts. She truly is an exceptional nurse, and she played an important role in helping us through a very traumatic and difficult time.
Maria took it upon herself to make sure her care for S was extraordinary. Her calm, patient responses to us as we asked questions during the night were reassuring and gave us confidence that our son was in the best hands possible. Since Maria had the night shift, she had the extra burden of working with us as we slept near S. She went out of her way to find extra sleeping chairs and blankets so we all could be there. Both Maria and Lisa were there when we received the heartbreaking news of S’s lack of brain activity, and they were visibly shaken by the news. We knew they cared deeply for the job that they do but the way they took such great care of our son will always be etched on our hearts.
Maria on S’s last night with us asked if it was ok with us if she gave him a special extra bath. Although this may sound simple and just part of the job, it meant a lot that she wanted to give extra care to S and to the family as we slept in his room that night. We would hope that Maria could be recognized for her outstanding care and efforts. She truly is an exceptional nurse, and she played an important role in helping us through a very traumatic and difficult time.