Marie Still
October 2015
Bon Secours - St. Francis Medical Center
United States




Marie Still is an amazing nurse in the OR. She has attention to detail that helps make surgeons and their patients feel they are in good hands. She is high on the list to precept those RN Circulators new to the St. Francis OR, or to those going through the OR Circulator training course. Marie feels it is her duty, as a nurse, to, first and foremost, protect her patients. There is a specific case, a nephrectomy, standing out in our minds. Marie went to see the patient and saw there was no type and screen ordered. She placed the order in the system, but, when the results came back, the patient had antibodies and the blood needed to be sent to St. Mary's for further testing. Therefore, the case was delayed and the blood secured. As the case progressed, the patient did require 2 transfusions. As a circulator reviewing the chart, she was not the first, second or even third person to check the patient and make sure all bases have been covered. However, had this detail been overlooked and blood needed on an emergency basis, the patient would have been put at severe risk. She averted this by her attention to detail. Marie is also one of the members of the DaVinci team. This is a specialized team, working cohesively and efficiently to get the patient in and out of the OR. It requires large, bulky equipment that needs to be positioned and repositioned. There are mountains of supplies that need to be opened, and patient positioning that is far more extensive that the typical OR case. Not only are the turnover times challenging, getting the patient positioned, secured and ready for docking of the DaVinci unit, is a detailed and time consuming process. Marie works with the team to make these transitions seamless. She also goes out and talks with the family to let them know the actual operation has started and then keeps them updated as time progresses. Lastly, Marie is a delight to work with! She is beautiful inside and out. We are proud to nominate her to represent the OR as a DAISY Award Honoree.