Marie Wilson
January 2024
Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals
United States




Marie is admired, respected, and loved dearly by her team of nurses. Her ability to promote an atmosphere of unity, integrity, and altruism has created a work environment where everyone feels supported and valued.
Marie exemplifies the epitome of outstanding nursing leadership. As the manager of the NICU, Marie serves as a role model of compassion and extraordinary practice. She has not only cultivated an environment of care and compassion but also ensures that the core values of trust, mutual respect, and ethical behavior are not just encouraged but lived out daily. Her commitment goes beyond the confines of regular working hours. For Marie, nursing isn't just a 9-5 job; she makes herself available at all hours, always ready to assist, guide, and support her staff, no matter the issue at hand.

One of Marie's most commendable attributes is her genuine interest in the well-being and professional growth of her team. Every member of our unit knows that they can turn to Marie for guidance. Her door is always open, and her ability to mentor, inspire, and foster critical thinking is unparalleled. This level of support and guidance from Marie has directly contributed to the high retention rates within our unit, a testament to her exceptional leadership.

Under Marie's guidance, our unit has transformed into a cohesive team where members not only find joy in coming to work but are also deeply committed to delivering the highest quality of care to our patients. Through her actions and leadership, Marie elevates and promotes the image of nursing within Jefferson. I wholeheartedly believe that Marie Wilson embodies the qualities that the DAISY Award represents.


As manager of the Neuro ICU, Marie constantly goes above and beyond for her nursing staff. She is admired, respected, and loved dearly by her team of nurses. Her ability to promote an atmosphere of unity, integrity, and altruism has created a work environment where everyone feels supported and valued. Marie supported me without hesitation during a traumatic life event. She reached out countless times to check on me, extend condolences, and sometimes just to tell me to stop worrying about work. During life's toughest moments it is important to have friends and family who help you pick up the pieces, but it is extraordinary to have coworkers and managers who do the same. This is one of many instances where Marie has exemplified compassion, empathy, and genuine kindness. She is committed to the unit’s well-being and deeply values our thoughts, feelings, and concerns. She also does not hesitate to jump in to help in a code, turn a patient, deescalate a situation, and sometimes just to offer words of encouragement and gratitude after a tough shift. Marie deserves this award because she exemplifies everything that it stands for: extraordinary nurse leadership, compassionate care, and continuous contributions to the unit's cohesiveness and success.


Marie Wilson is the definition of an Extraordinary Nurse Manager. Marie always goes above and beyond for her staff and the unit's patients. Marie is the type of manager who will not leave work until everything is finished, whether it involves handling patient/family issues or waiting after hours for important supplies from SPD to be delivered before the weekend, ensuring her staff is equipped appropriately. Marie is well-liked amongst her staff because she is always willing to help out with any problem whether it be a schedule issue or someone to debrief to after a difficult shift. She is a very trusting and compassionate person. Marie’s door is always open, and she is always a phone call away when she is off shift. Marie honestly makes the NICU a great place to work because of the type of person she is. She always pushes for her staff to succeed, and she will not hold anyone back from accomplishing their goals.


Marie Wilson, the NICU manager, is very deserving of the DAISY Nurse Leader Award. She continuously goes above and beyond for her staff each and every day. She supports her staff in every situation, whether we have a difficult patient or family member, or an issue with the providers. Marie helps us to work through our problems & helps in any way she can. She is kind and empathic to everyone. She understands that family comes first & is accommodating when her nurses have family issues & need help with schedule changes. She always asks how you are, and truly cares about her staff's well-being. Not only is she the best manager, but she is also a team player with us. She's first to step in to help, whether we have an emergency situation, a pump is going off, or we need help with turns. Marie's office door is always open, and she checks in with the unit even on her days "off." Marie has our backs, and we are aware that we have the best support from our nurse leader.


Marie Wilson is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of manager. She is always looking for ways to help our unit and make us better. As an ICU, our unit prides itself on teamwork, and we truly could not ask for a better 'coach' and mentor than Marie. Every day, she goes out of her way to make sure our unit is equipped with what we need and to make sure each nurse is okay by asking a very simple question- “can I do anything for you?” It’s not an empty question; she really truly wants to know if she can do anything to make our day easier.

Marie inspires each of her nurses to be better. She works so hard, and I know we don’t even see half of what she’s doing behind the scenes to help our unit. She pushes us to get certifications and helps us to further our education by encouraging us to go back to school and pursue more. She offers her opinions when we need help (by the way, she is SO smart) and always, literally and figuratively, keeps her door open to us. A lot of days on our unit can be sad and frustrating, but Marie always makes sure we know how much she appreciates us. Nursing is often a thankless job, but Marie makes sure we don’t feel that way all of the time. We couldn’t ask for a better manager!