Marina Turley
January 2024
Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom




She was so supportive and caring. I couldn't have asked for anyone better to be with my dad during that moment when everything happened. With such a huge shock, Marina was personal, compassionate, and just incredible.
My dad looked after his friend for many years, over 20 years (D). One day, when bringing D for a normal eye appointment check-up to eye clinic, it didn't go to plan. D had been fine all morning, just usual D. When Dad and D walked through the hospital doors and down the corridor, D started to collapse in my dad's arms. My dad didn't quite register what was happening but tried to support him and get him back up. Emergency help was called for, and by the time my dad knew it, many people were surrounding D, working hard on him to keep him alive. A nurse called Marina Turley, who was working in an outpatient paediatric clinic that morning, saw my dad distressed and took him to the side. She sat with him and looked after him. She said she wouldn't leave my dad until everything was sorted. She was waiting with us for the DR to attend to tell us the bad news, and she got everything my dad and I needed. She was so supportive and caring. I couldn't have asked for anyone better to be with my dad during that moment when everything happened. With such a huge shock, Marina was personal, compassionate, and just incredible. She arranged another nurse to go with my dad to walk him to the mortuary so he could say his goodbyes later that day and was insistent he didn't go alone. She is a true credit to her team and dealt with an awful situation in the best manner. This has helped my dad come to terms with everything as she spoke with Dad and D's sister about D's life and asked questions to help talk about it. She gave hugs and held my hand and was a real person with emotions who made this situation a little bit easier to cope with at that moment. My family wants to thank you, Marina, you're an amazing nurse and person.