Marge Abranjano
February 2019
Carle Foundation Hospital
United States
It's been over six months since my dad passed away from pancreatic cancer and the entire six months I've thought, "I really need to acknowledge the exceptional care provided by his hospice nurse, but right now it's all too painful." After some time to grieve and reflect, I still see the importance of acknowledging her.
Her name is Marge. She had just come back from Vietnam after losing her own father, unfortunately without the comforts of hospice. She came into my father's home, sat down with us, hugged us while we cried, and listened to our concerns. She provided appropriate care in front of us and gently asked us to leave the room during which it was best for us to not be present (catheterization). I too am a nurse, and in the moment, I thought it was silly to leave the room, but now I understand; in that moment I was a daughter first and a nurse second.
Marge had the most calming demeanor and shared her own recent experience without over-shadowing our sadness. Marge took the time my father deserved, to provide his end of life care. She treated him with respect and valued his dignity. She spoke to him, not about him. She let us know that we could call anytime if we needed help and she answered every single one of our questions. She paid close attention to his signs of pain and assured me that the medication/dosage I was administering would keep him comfortable. She provided education to me on the signs/symptoms of impending death. My dad and I both worked at Carle for a combined 30+ years and I am proud to say I was part of such an organization. I am so grateful for the truly exceptional care we received from Marge/Carle Hospice. Please send Marge my best, and let her know that her nursing skill and heart left a lasting impression on me.
Her name is Marge. She had just come back from Vietnam after losing her own father, unfortunately without the comforts of hospice. She came into my father's home, sat down with us, hugged us while we cried, and listened to our concerns. She provided appropriate care in front of us and gently asked us to leave the room during which it was best for us to not be present (catheterization). I too am a nurse, and in the moment, I thought it was silly to leave the room, but now I understand; in that moment I was a daughter first and a nurse second.
Marge had the most calming demeanor and shared her own recent experience without over-shadowing our sadness. Marge took the time my father deserved, to provide his end of life care. She treated him with respect and valued his dignity. She spoke to him, not about him. She let us know that we could call anytime if we needed help and she answered every single one of our questions. She paid close attention to his signs of pain and assured me that the medication/dosage I was administering would keep him comfortable. She provided education to me on the signs/symptoms of impending death. My dad and I both worked at Carle for a combined 30+ years and I am proud to say I was part of such an organization. I am so grateful for the truly exceptional care we received from Marge/Carle Hospice. Please send Marge my best, and let her know that her nursing skill and heart left a lasting impression on me.