Matt Kisicki
December 2021
Children's Hospital & Medical Center - Omaha
United States




Matt took the time in all of that craziness to bring back the humanity of the patient.
Matt is an exceptional nurse. He embodies nursing excellence, compassion, empathy, and caring. Not only does he exemplify these characteristics with patients and families, but he does with his co-workers as well. There is one experience that will stand out in my mind forever.

I had admitted a really sick kid from the Emergency Department in the late afternoon. This child was not doing well, and by the end of my shift, we were shifting the focus of care to end of life cares. Matt came in to get report that night as I was scrambling to get my tasks done and medications given. The first thing that he did when he came into the room was go up to the bedside, brush the patient’s hair from his forehead, and tell mom what a handsome boy she had. I had to fight back tears in that moment. Even though the moment was hectic and crazy still as we had not officially made the decision to withdraw, Matt took the time in all of that craziness to bring back the humanity of the patient. He acknowledged and recognized that this patient was a son, a brother, and that mother’s entire world. I saw in that mother’s face how much that simple act and comment meant to her. I saw Matt that night and knew that was the kind of nurse I want to be.

Not only does Matt go above and beyond for his patients, but he does for his coworkers as well. Matt has stayed late to help me get tasks done when the unit was busy. For instance, the providers put in orders right at shift change for blood cultures and a few other labs. I was fairly new at the time, and he stayed and showed me what I needed to do. He did not want to leave me with unfinished tasks, and he said he wanted to make sure he set me up for success for my day-something that he has always done. He has given me and other coworkers drinks and treats from Scooter’s just because I was having a rough day and another person had a great day. Matt is always willing to help no matter what, and his small acts of kindness every day are a big reason why the PICU is as great as it is.

When I think of a DAISY Nurse, Matt is the first person who comes to my mind. He has seen so many difficult things in the PICU, but he has never lost his compassion and empathy. To this day, I still aspire to be a nurse like Matt. Thank you, Matt, for making a difference to our patients and families!