Meagan Dixon
July 2020
South Main 3
MedStar Harbor Hospital
United States




Our mother was admitted with respiratory distress, she has COPD. When I arrived at the hospital Meagan was in the room. As soon as she left, my mom told me that "she is wonderful, everyone here has been great but that Meagan was simply wonderful". Throughout a long hospital day, Meagan was attentive and caring. My mom is hard of hearing and Meagan spoke loudly enough so she could hear. We were informed that they were moving my mom to another unit. 5 hours later, still not moved, Meagan was her advocate in getting her moved. Our mom has been in the hospital many times over the past several years. The care she received here from everyone from housekeeping, food delivery, pulmonary, weekend doctors- everyone was caring but Meagan was exceptional and made a hard situation better for all of us. We are very appreciative of the care our mom has received to this point. Meagan even went out of her way to come to the ICU to see our mom the day after they transferred her from 3 south. It made my mom's day and really touched me and my sister.