Megan Klein
August 2023
Emergency Department
Aurora Medical Center Manitowoc County
Two Rivers
United States




You could tell Megan cared about her patients based on her bedside manner and how she respected me as a person, not just another number.
Upon arrival, Megan came out to the lobby to get me with a smile on her face. She brought me back to my room right away. She took note that I just had surgery about 10 days ago and was not able to move very well. She assisted me into the bed and made sure I was comfortable. She truly listened, which in the ER can be difficult to do as there is so much going on when you first get there.
Instead of getting on the computer after she got me situated in bed, she asked what brought me in right away and truly listened. She sat on the stool at bedside and made eye contact with me. Shew asked questions that unfolded additional information that was helpful to my visit. Her body language showed that she cared. She started an IV and drew blood right away. She was able to anticipate painful situations (exam and CT) and made sure that I had pain medications on board before. She made sure the doctor was updated on changes on things that were important. She checked up on my pain and asked if there was anything else that she could get or do for me.

She truly is a nurse that I would trust with anyone in my family. You could tell she cared about her patients based on her bedside manner and how she respected me as a person, not just another number. This visit made me feel comfortable and I knew they did what they could to make sure that I had answers to my questions and that I was comfortable going home. She definitely made me feel safe while I was under her care, and that says a lot as I am a nurse as well and can be difficult to take care of.