Megan Krupp
May 2023
Fetal Care Institute
SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital
St. Louis
United States




Megan helped advocate for and navigate us through a very complex multidisciplinary healthcare setting with both expertise and compassion.
At my 21-week prenatal ultrasound, it became apparent that my child had a severe congenital heart defect. My physician immediately referred me to the Fetal Care Institute for closer monitoring. This news was both terrifying and overwhelming, and it marked the beginning of a very long pregnancy journey.

Megan took on the role of my nurse navigator at the Fetal Care Institute and ensured that all of my needs, and my child’s, were met. Our first visit was at 23 weeks, and it became clear that my child had Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Megan always went above and beyond during our time at the Fetal Care Institute. She regularly checked on us, went out of her way to schedule appropriate consultations, and ensured that we were always taken care of at a time when it was most needed. Megan helped advocate for and navigate us through a very complex multidisciplinary healthcare setting with both expertise and compassion. The very idea of trying to coordinate all of the appointments and consultations necessary to prepare for the delivery and care of a child with HLHS, while also trying to cope with the overwhelming emotions that come with such a diagnosis is unfathomable. Megan took on this burden from day one and always ensure everything was in order for us. Thank you.