Megan Middleton
April 2022
M. Middleton
Mercy Hospital St Louis
St Louis
United States




Megan returned on Monday, speaking softly into Mom’s ear, stroking her with as much love and affection as any of her children could offer.
On behalf of our family, gratitude for the skill and compassion Megan has for her patients cannot be expressed in words. My mother was an 89yo resident at a long-term care facility, living with Multiple System Atrophy (MSA). Not everyone knows what is involved because it's often misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s, mimicking many of those symptoms. In mom’s mind, she was always going to get better although she was no longer ambulatory and had slurred speech on some days and was difficult to understand. Mom’s team was changed after a couple of months and Megan was her new nurse. There was resistance at first, but within two weeks, mom and Megan were fast friends. While somewhat familiar with MSA, Megan took the time to research the disease. Megan always sat on the floor or squatted when talking to mom. Even more important was the conduit Megan became for us during Covid because we could not personally be there. Some of Mom’s meds were timed such that if not administered on time could cause her suffering to worsen and Mom had difficulty articulating that pain to anyone other than close family and Megan. Megan always kept us informed and would let us know to the best of her knowledge when Mom was nearing the end of her journey. We watched Mom's deterioration go from month to month then day to day. Megan was with us all the way, encouraging and letting us know clearly what to expect. The Friday before Mom passed, we heard from Megan that she was going out of town, but she had everything in place for us. This was the weekend Mom began actively dying. Megan returned on Monday, speaking softly into Mom’s ear, stroking her with as much love and affection as any of her children could offer. Mom passed on Tuesday, and I can emphatically tell you without a doubt that Mom was waiting for Megan to get back. Our hope is anyone walking their loved one home or through crisis is fortunate enough to have a Megan in their life. She is a Godsend!


When my 99yo mom needed hospice care, Megan was such a breath of fresh air in our time of need. She cared for our mom with gentle ease and a soft-spoken voice. So many nurses she had before spoke loudly even though we told them to stop. Megan was so informative about Mom’s condition and listened to what we had to say. She said Mom, was lucky to have a family to care as deeply as we did and to grant Mom’s wish of passing at home. The nurse who was supposed to bathe Mom never showed so Megan helped me bathe Mom and gave me a special soap that doesn’t need to be rinsed off. I told her not to send another nurse to bathe her as I would do it myself and Megan said we would bathe her together. She did everything in her power to make my Mom comfortable in her last leg of life. We knew time was near and Megan was there with us every step of the way. She cared deeply for my brothers and me along with giving Mom the best care. I could go on and on about all that Megan did and how I’m eternally grateful God sent her to care for Mom.