February 2020
Menorah Medical Center
Menorah Medical Center
Overland Park
United States
Brett Becker, RN;
Sara Stremel BSN, RN;
Jessica Knox, RN;




I'm not sure when Sarah was Mom's nurse the first time, but I (we) took an instant liking to her! She was my mom's day nurse for numerous days while she was there. Even requesting she have Mom as her patient during one of her shifts. She was always friendly, upbeat, smiling, compassionate, and ever so patient with all my questions! She was in the room with us whenever doctors came in as another set of ears. She would patiently explain things if we didn't understand something and would always address any concerns we had.
Sarah was a part of our family during the time Mom was there! We would show one another pictures of beloved dogs, knew she loved the KU Jayhawks and Thunderstorms! She came to know my schedule, likes, and dislikes.
Dr. B asked us tough questions regarding DNR, living will, etc. Mom, Dad, and I discussed Mom's wishes and it was decided she was a DNR. Sarah was the one who put the DNR bracelet on her. That was a very sobering experience witnessing that and knowing what the outcome was going to be. Sarah gave me a hug and assured me the right decision had been made. I called ICU on Monday to hopefully talk to Sarah and tell her thanks for everything and she was the one who answered the phone! That phone call was meant to be. We both cried during our conversation, but I was grateful to hear her voice!
Brett had not been mom's actual nurse until the last day. He had helped with her a lot though. Always coming in to help clean her up and reposition her. He was always cheerful with a smile on his face.
It had been a rough night when he came on at 7 AM. He came in and introduced himself, asked if I had questions or needed anything. Not too long after that Dr. B came in and the decision was made to put mom on comfort care. That was hard but, mom was restless, uncomfortable and crying out, so Brett got to work immediately starting the morphine. He had his hands full with us that day! He was so unbelievably compassionate and caring, explaining how things would more than likely go throughout the day. He would come to get us if there were any changes, was honest and said, "Stay close," when the time was coming. He said anything we needed to let him know, and never questioned the number of people in her room with her when she passed.
There were 15 of us crammed in that little room! I hope everyone could feel the love! I witnessed my mom take her last breath and watched her heart beat for the last time surrounded by loved ones. It was an incredible experience. I was in the waiting area when he left work that night and gave me a hug when he passed by. Thank you, Brett; I needed that.
Jessica was mom's nurse the 1st night she was admitted to ICU. She wore a mask that night because she had the sniffles and didn't want to make any of her patients more ill. I asked a lot of questions and she was very patient with me. Gentle and caring with my mom, explained everything she was doing and why. I felt very comfortable going home that night knowing Jessica would be taking care of mom. We had her one other night, too. I didn't immediately recognize her without her mask, but then noticed her beautiful eyes and colorful hair! Once again, I knew mom was in good hands. Jessica was there the evening mom passed away and she gave me a hug. I needed that hug, too!