September 2015
1 West
Kaiser Permanente Sacramento Medical Center
United States




During my stay, I was and still am impressed with the outstanding supporting professional medical services provided me - especially from Merien Yoro. I had the opportunity to "observe" the team in action under "fire." By under fire I mean working in stressful environments brought on by patients.

For example, there was a female patient who was rude to some members of the team trying to care for her. I heard her rude voice attacking them, even when they were not in her room. In another room, there was a male patient who was extremely rude to his wife by attacking her with vulgar language clearly heard throughout the hall. The nurses maintained calmness and continued their professional tasks without interruption while he continued his vulgar comments. Then, there was a patient, yelling out loud for a nurse. He yelled, "NURSE!" without considering using the private phone provided to him. In another room was a patient requiring physical assistance. I could hear the nurses coaching and assisting that patient to sit up, or sit down, or whatever the situation was. As part of the assistance, they were counting, "1, 2, and 3." Finally, in my room was a patient who required lifting him onto his bed. Four nurses (all female) were involved, professionally discussing lifting procedure, lifting the patient, carefully, in unison, on to his bed, soothing him at the same time, and making him comfortable. He must have weighed at least 200 lbs.

These individuals and others work together as a team. They communicate as a team; they assist each other as a team; and they function professionally as a team. I know their manager is proud of them and clearly relies on their professional skills, without questions.

May I say that this team should not be taken for granted. This team deserves special recognition every second; not just for a brief moment. This team even though a small part of Kaiser's medical organization, exemplifies the true meaning and spirit of the medical profession.

Note: This is Merien's second DAISY Award!