Mia Minsu Simon
September 2017
Minsu Simon
3 North- Good Samaritan Hospital
Bon Secours Charity Health System
United States
I experienced a dizzy spell and was admitted through the ER at another hospital. I was transferred to Good Samaritan Hospital because my right carotid artery was blocked. I woke up early in the morning around 6 am awaiting surgery. Mia, who was my night nurse, came to see me. I had asked her to pray for me the night before as I was anxious and nervous about my surgery. Mia came to my bedside in the morning and stayed beside me praying for about 5 minutes. It seems like a short period of time, however, this time for me was so precious. It felt longer and the impact on me was tremendous. I experienced such peace from these prayerful moments before going into surgery. I had less fear and anxiety that I was at peace going into surgery, giving me the ability to talk and laugh before going to surgery. I will never forget these moments Mia spent with me.