Micah Laurio
December 2020
Providence Alaska Medical Center




Micah took some beautiful photos of my husband and me seeing our baby through clear drapes, for the very first time. I will treasure these photos forever.
Micah Laurio went far above and beyond to ensure my last delivery was everything I could have hoped for. I delivered my third and final baby, via a planned C-section. I had some specific requests to make the delivery as special as possible (the OR environment limits this in most ways!) I had discussed my ideas with my doctor previously, she was agreeable to everything, however, she would not be able to make them happen while performing my surgery. My nurse Micah was amazing! She listened to my requests and did everything in her power to make it possible. The requests I had are certainly not things that everyone would find important, or even enjoyable, but it was important to me and Micah recognized that.
First, I was really hoping for clear surgical drapes, so that I could witness my baby's delivery and her first moments. I had discussed this was my doctor previously, and she was happy to accommodate this request. When I arrived for pre-op I was told by two nurses that PAMC was out of the clear drapes and had been for some time. I was so, so incredibly disappointed. Having the opportunity to have the blue drapes dropped and being able to witness my baby taking her first breaths helps take away the sterile environment of the OR, it adds incredible warmth and closeness, those are amazing moments. I was crushed to think that I would miss out on that with my last baby.
When Micah came on shift, I told her how important it was to me, and she stated she'd do her best to find something. She left the room, worked some magic, and came back to let me know that the scrub tech was able to find one more set! This may seem like a small gesture, but it transformed our delivery! It changed the whole situation for us, and I am so grateful for her, and G who found the drapes for us!
Secondly, I was really looking forward to having photos taken during the C-section. While these first moments may not be the photos others want to see, to me having these memories documented meant the world. Micah was extremely professional about this request. She stated that she would need to get permission from each of the doctors (including the anesthesiologist) and the other staff in the OR and make sure that no one's faces were in the images. With the doctors' and staffs' consent, Micah took some beautiful photos of my husband and me seeing our baby through clear drapes, for the very first time. I will treasure these photos forever.
Lastly, my third request was to see the placenta. The doctors forgot about this, and the placenta was discarded before she had a chance to show me. In her determination to make all my wishes come true, Micah retrieved it and was able to show it to me in the recovery room. It was such an amazing experience. She and the nursery nurse explained all the different parts, I was able to feel how heavy it was, and even saw the "sack" our baby girl called home for 10 months. These two nurses really took time to show me the miracle that is the organ that supported our baby's life for 10 months. Micah truly went above and beyond for me.
In addition to making an amazing effort to give me the birth experience I was hoping for, Micah was also an amazing nurse. She was extremely attentive. I felt very well cared for, I felt very safe. She was gentle and kind; she took the time to check in with my husband. Micah demonstrated excellence and integrity in nursing through her communication with other hospital staff and my husband and me, her compassionate bedside manner, and her determination to ensure we had the best experience possible. I am so grateful to Micah and her fabulous care. She truly personifies the mission and core values that PAMC holds so dear, and this shines through her nursing.
Thank you so much for personalizing our baby's birth, for caring for me and my family with such love and compassion, and for being an amazing Providence Nurse!